Little Su – Hatcher Pass,  Alaska

Little Su – Hatcher Pass, Alaska

Several factors come into play when making that stunning capture of a beautiful landscape photo.  Time of day, weather,  vantage point, settings, color pallet and the right filter just to name a few.  But, the “art of photography” is at the top. I always say I may not know what my next photo will be but when I do it will be interesting.  A really great Landscape photo should sort of draw your attention into the scene and cause you to feel like you’re there in person. On this particular day it was raining at the moment which really brought out the bright autumn colors above the rushing stream.  The rain also made for a really nice tone on the river rocks as well. So, a drury, rainy day can work in your favor even in Alaska.  I’d love to hear your comments on this Landscape Photo.  Thanks for stopping by. 
Daniel Hartsfield
Outdoor Photography 
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